Chemical laboratory
State-of-the-art analysis techniques in certified laboratories.
Medicinal products and medical products, as well as cosmetics and nutritional supplements, are tested in accordance with the legal requirements using certified methods in our in house and external laboratories. Current pharmacopoeia requirements and ISO methods form the basis for this. Experts analyse raw materials, active ingredients and finished goods using state-of-the-art analysis techniques such as ICP-MS, HPLC-MS, GC-MS and NMR.
Medicinal products and medical products, as well as cosmetics and nutritional supplements, are tested in accordance with the legal requirements using certified methods in our in house and external laboratories. Current pharmacopoeia requirements and ISO methods form the basis for this. Experts analyse raw materials, active ingredients and finished goods using state-of-the-art analysis techniques such as ICP-MS, HPLC-MS, GC-MS and NMR.
Jäger GmbH
Heinkelstrasse 8
(Administration and Production)
Heinkelstrasse 10 (Logistics Center)
76461 Muggensturm
fon +49 7222/9518-0

Medical Devices

Jäger GmbH
Heinkelstrasse 8
(Administration and Production)
Heinkelstrasse 10 (Logistics Center)
76461 Muggensturm
fon +49 7222/9518-0