Nutritional supplements
In the growth market of nutritional supplements for preventive health support, various galenics, a taste experience which is typical of the product and appealing visual properties are also important. Consumers, the customer base for brand-name companies, pay particular attention to the use of natural substances as a base and to optimal benefits. Consistent uniformity and the product specific, consistent nature of the nutritional supplements are essential for acceptance on the market. In this sector too, Jäger manages the complete value chain from procurement of the raw materials through to fully packaged end products.
In the growth market of nutritional supplements for preventive health support, various galenics, a taste experience which is typical of the product and appealing visual properties are also important. Consumers, the customer base for brand-name companies, pay particular attention to the use of natural substances as a base and to optimal benefits. Consistent uniformity and the product specific, consistent nature of the nutritional supplements are essential for acceptance on the market. In this sector too, Jäger manages the complete value chain from procurement of the raw materials through to fully packaged end products.
Jäger GmbH
Heinkelstrasse 8
(Administration and Production)
Heinkelstrasse 10 (Logistics Center)
76461 Muggensturm
fon +49 7222/9518-0

Medical Devices

Jäger GmbH
Heinkelstrasse 8
(Administration and Production)
Heinkelstrasse 10 (Logistics Center)
76461 Muggensturm
fon +49 7222/9518-0